Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The California International Marathon - 12/2/07

Thank you to Ben, Doug, Cheri, Danny, Sarah and Travis for meeting Mairead and me at mile 20...also known as "the wall". You were very encouraging !! Only 6 more miles to go!!Ahh, done at last. By far the best feeling of accomplishment yet. Mairead, you were my rock. Thank you for helping me through my first Marathon!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

We did it! World Run Day

Today, November 11, 2007 was World Run Day. AdventureHere formed a team, trained for 4 weeks and ran 5K this morning at Railhead Park in Auburn, CA this morning! To learn more about this international event, check out http://www.runday.com/

AdventureHere plans to form another team for next year's World Run Day on November 8, 2008. If you want to join our team, contact us! Thank you team!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lake Natoma Four Bidges Half-Marathon

Only a few more steps...and we're still smiling!Cheri and Angela...done at last!! Congratulations to Cheri, my amazing sister-in-law. First half-marathon in the bag. I am so proud of you :)Thank you to Travis, Doug, Carron, Danny and Sarah for coming to support us. Stay tuned for more when I run my first full marathon on December 2nd - California International Marathon: http://www.runcim.org/

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Boot Camp Schedule

Hello everyone, now is the time to get in shape for ski season! The new Fall Boot Camp Schedule is avaiable!

Fall Boot Camp Schedule

Auburn Community Festival

Saturday's Auburn Community Festival was a huge success!

My team and I introduced a ton of people to new and fun ways to excercise.

We got the word out on new classes we are offering this winter through Auburn Recreation Department (ARD) and on the upcoming kids event called World Run Day.

Several people took the BOSU challenge and won free Boot Camps! Thanks a million for making it such a fun day.

We even got some family members involved! My sister-in-law Cheri put us all to shame on the BOSU ball.
