Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sodium Found in Common Foods

Compare these numbers to packaged and canned foods
(All measurements are in milligrams unless otherwise noted)

Egg, whole, small, 1 - 47
Egg, whole, medium, 1 - 55
Egg, whole, large, 1 - 63
Egg, white, large, 1 - 55
Egg, yolk, large, 1 - 12
Egg substitute, 1/4 cup (1 egg) - 115

Fish and Shellfish (3 oz raw, not processed)
Anchovy - 87
Bass - 58
Catfish - 51
Caviar - 1,871
Clams - 31
Cod - 59
Crab - 619
Flounder - 66
Halibut - 46
Herring - 57
Lobster - 179
Oysters - 62
Perch, Atlantic - 67
Perch, Pacific - 54
Red Snapper - 57
Salmon, Atlantic - 63
Salmon, chinook - 38
Salmon, coho - 41
Scallops, 217
Shrimp - 119
Sole - 66
Swordfish - 46
Trout, brook - 40
Trout, rainbow - 69
Tuna, albacore - 34
Tuna, yellowfin - 31

Fruit, dried (1 oz)
Apples - 25
Apricots - 3
Dates - 1
Figs - 3
Pears - 2
Prunes, pitted - 1
Raisins, seedless - 3

Fruits, fresh
Apples, 1 medium - 0
Apricots, 1 medium - negligible
Asian pear - 0
Avocados, 1/2 medium - 10
Bananas, 1 medium - 1
Blackberries - 0
Blueberries, 1/2 cup - 4
Canteloupe, 1/8 of melon - 5
Casaba melon, 1/10 of fruit - 20
Cherries, sweet - 0
Cherries, sour, 1 cup - 5
Crabapple - 1
Cranberries, 1 cup - 1
Figs, 1 medium - 1
Gooseberry - 1
Grapefruit - 9
Grapes, 1 cup - 2
Grape leaves raw, 1 cup - 1
Guavas, 1 medium - 2
Honeydew Melon, 1/2 medium - 7
Kiwi fruit, 1 - 3
Kumquats, 1 medium - 1
Lemons, 1 medium - 1
Limes, 1 medium - 1
Litchi, 1 fruit - 1
Mangos, 1 medium - 2
Nectarines - 0
Oranges - 0
Passion fruit, 1 fruit - 5
Papayas, 1 medium - 9
Peaches - 0
Pears - 0
Persimmons, 1 medium - 1
Pineapples, chopped, 1 cup - 2
Plaintain, 1 cup sliced - 6
Plums - 0
Pomegranates, 1 medium - 5
Quince, 1 medium - 4
Raspberries - 0
Rhubarb, 1 stalk - 2
Strawberries, 1/2 cup - 1
Tamarind, 1 fruit - 1
Tangerines, 1 medium - 1
Tomatoes - 4
Watermelon, cubed, 1 cup - 3

Herbs, Spices, Seasonings (1 tsp, dried)
Allspice, ground - 2
Anise seed - negligible
Basil - 1
Bay leaf - negligible
Caraway seed - negligible
Celery seed - 4
Chili powder - 26
Cinnamon, ground - 1
Cloves, ground - 5
Coriander seed - 1
Cumin seed - 3
Curry powder - 1
Dill weed - 2
Fennel seed - 2
Garlic powder - 1
Ginger, ground - 1
Mace, ground - 1
Marjoram - negligible
MSG - 492
Mustard seed - negligible
Nutmeg, ground - negligible
Onion powder - 1
Oregano - negligible
Paprika - 1
Parsley - 2
Pepper, black - 1
Pepper, cayenne - 7
Pepper, white - negligible
Rosemary - 1
Saffron - 1
Sage - negligible
Salt - 2,325
Sugar - negligible
Tarragon - 1
Thyme - 1
Turmeric, ground - 1
Vanilla extract - 0
Vinegar - negligible

Meats and Poultry (3 oz raw, unprocessed)
Chuck - 65
Flank - 60
Kidney - 53
Liver - 62
Porterhouse - 47
Rib Roast - 45
Round Steak - 44
Rump - 64
Sirloin - 44
T-bone - 47
Chicken, meat only
Breast - 58
Dark meat, roasted - 79
White meat, roasted - 43
Duck, meat only - 64
Leg - 50
Loin - 49
Rib - 47
Shoulder - 55
Bacon - 621
Blade - 60
Canadian Bacon - 1,197
Ham, cured, canned - 837
Ham, fresh, lean part only - 61
Leg - 47
Loin - 54
Sirloin - 37
Spareribs - 65
Tenderloin - 42
Quail - 43
Rabbit - 37
Squab - 43
Turkey, meat only
Breast - 51
Dark meat, roasted - 67
White meat, roasted - 54
Breast - 55
Chuck - 58
Flank - 49
Loin - 57
Round - 58
Venison - 77

Nuts, unsalted (1/4 cup)
Almonds, raw - 4
Brazil nuts, raw - 1
Cashews, dry roasted - 6
Coconut, dried - 4
Hazelnuts, raw - 1
Macadamia, dry roasted - 2
Peanuts, dry roasted - 6
Pecans, raw - negligible
Pine nuts, raw - 2
Pistachio, dry roasted - 2
Walnuts, raw - negligible

Vegetables, dried (1/2 cup cooked)
Chick-peas, canned - 300
Kidney beans - 2
Lentils - 13
Lima beans - 3
Navy beans - 1
Split peas - 12

Vegetables, fresh (1/2 cup raw)
Acorn squash - 2
Alfalfa sprouts - 1
Artichoke - 1 medium, steamed - 79
Asparagus - 1
Beans, green - 3
Beets - 49
Bell peppers - 2
Broccoli - 12
Brussels sprouts - 11
Butternut squash - 3
Cabbage - 14
Carrots - 20
Cauliflower - 8
Celeriac - 79
Celery - 54
Chilis - 5
Chives - 2
Corn - 12
Cucumbers - 1
Endive - 6
Eggplant - 2
Garlic, 1 clove - 1
Ginger - 6
Hubbard squash - 4
Leeks - 11
Lettuce - 2
Mushrooms - 1
Onions - 2
Parsley - 12
Parsnips - 7
Peas, edible-pod - 4
Peas, green - 3
Potatoes, medium, baked - 16
Pumpkins - 1
Radishes - 14
Rutabagas - 14
Shallots - 10
Spaghetti squash - 9
Spinach - 22
Squash, summer - 1
Squash, winter - 2
Sweet potatoes - 9
Tomatoes - 4
Turnips - 44
Water chestnuts - 8
Watercress - 7
Yams - 7
Zucchini - 1

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