Friday, July 1, 2011

HIKE4EMMETT - Name change and secured location!

I am happy to say that we have most of the details in place!
WHEN: 9.10.11 at 9AM
WHERE: Railroad Grade Trail to Blithedale Ridge to Upland-- ending at the redwood grove and creek area on West Blithedale
WHAT: a hike in honor of an angel named Emmett Harrington
WHY: Because AdventureHere wants to make AS more known and understood...and because the Harrington Family is such an INSPIRATION to others and we want to honor them!
HOW: by gathering donations, creating awareness AND encouraging people to come out and participate in HIKE4EMMETT!

I just reached out to some graphic designers and asked if one of them would be willing to design and donate a flyer. Once we have the flyer ready our plan is to circulate it and start contacting large organizations to ask for donations. If you have any ideas please share them!

Stay tuned for more!

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