Thursday, February 12, 2009

Calling all Brides...

Are you ready to committ yourself to a 12 week fitness program that will help you get in shape for the BIG DAY? Coming this Spring...Bridal Booty Camp. Lose weight, lose body fat, tone, tighten and feel great. Receive private nutrition consulting and attend weekly support meetings. To learn more visit or contact me directly at

Welcome Sam...6 weeks old already!

I wanted to share the birth of our son Samuel Martin. Sam was born on 12/30/08 at 11:01pm in Grass Valley. He is the sunshine of our lives...

Winter Classes are Here Again...

All classes begin on February 16th and will run in 4 week sessions. Classes will be held at Bliss Studio in downtown Auburn. To find out more visit or contact me at ~ 415.250.2600

Boot Camp - 6:30 to7:30am
Butt & Gut - 8:30 to 9:30am
Stretch & Lengthen - 9:30 to 10am

Boot Camp - 6:30 to7:30am
Body Sculpt - 8:30 to 9:30am

Boot Camp - 6:30 to7:30am
