Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day Three...

Ang here...

Soaked oats with butter and raw, whole cream for breakfast...wait a minute, what??  This is so against my "policy" and way of thinking and eating. It was so delicious and tasted so naughty.  I have lost a few pounds this week and am really surprised.  I am adding more saturated fat to my diet and just like Sally Fallon said, I am losing weight and feeling great.

I roasted the best fingerling potatoes for dinner.   I put about 10 of them in a baking dish, oven at 350, added some butter, fresh-dried rosemary and some homemade chicken broth, and cooked for an hour and a half.  I don't think I've had better potatoes.  You must try this recipe.

We are off to the Farmer's stock up on local fruit, veggies and other.  More later...

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