Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Two...

Ang here...

Day two; what a day!  Sam had us up most of the night.  He must be teething.  I think I had about 4 hours of sleep last night.  I needed coffee desperately this morning.  I am so grateful for coffee and am glad we didn't give it up!

For the first time I made black beans from scratch.  I soaked them overnight and then cooked them for 4 hours in water and garlic on the stove.  They were delicious.

Jen, our supportive friend, bought us 3 re-usable veggies bags today and told us how she proud she is that we are doing this. Thank you, Jen!!  I have already used them and highly recommend them.  Reusable Produce BagsI am loving this challenge and am so very proud of us!

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